Upload Your File

  • We always prefer a Vector File when receiving a print ready file from our clients, but if all you have is a low resolution jpeg or something from the internet, we can sometimes vectorize (or digitize) the logo or artwork for you at an additional cost.

    Here are some file formats that
    can be saved as a “vector”:

    .pdf (Adobe Portable Document)
    .eps (Encapsulated PostScript)
    .wmf (Windows MetaFile)
    .emf (Enhanced Windows MetaFile)
    .ai (Adobe Illustrator)
    .svg (Scalable Vector Graphics)

    Please keep in mind that just because you might have a “PDF file” for example, it may not necessarily be a vector. A fast and easy way to verify is to simply zoom in and if you start to see pixels, the file is not a vector. vector files will remain crisp and clean no matter how far you zoom in.